Branded Comfort
- Photographic quality printing
- Exceptional anti-fatigue properties
- 150 standard color options
- Easy to clean - hose off or sweep

Recommended for indoor applications where branding or messaging is desired along with providing excellent anti-fatigue benefits.
2' x 3' (22" x 32")
2' x 6' (22" x 72")
Please note, mat sizes are approximate. Tolerable manufacturing size variance is up to 3%.
Logo/Image Material: PVC-free polyurethane synthetic leather
Material: High density, open cell polyurethane foam
OVERALL MAT THICKNESS: 5/8 inch (0.6250" )
Minimum Text Height: 1/8" (includes lower case text)
Minimum Line Thickness: 1/16"
The text requirements are for general use, however, special fonts are very thin letter forms may need to be made larger or thicker and will be approached on a case-by-case basis.
White is prone to discolor and cannot be used as the background or any part of the imprint area. The products color palette offers three light colors to use in place of white: F5, N9 and N10. The background color of the imprint area should not be set to these light colors. It is difficult to keep the logo clean through the manufacturing process.
Mat Size Max Print Area Logo Safe Area
2'x 3' (22" x 32") 22" x 32" 17" x27"
2'x 6' (22" x 72") 22" x 72" 17" x67"
Custom sizes and solid color mats are not available in this product.
The background area (curved corner23" x 33" and 23" x 73") is full bleed for colors and patterns, but the main logo/text should fall within the Logo Safe area.
Raster images (jpg, png, bmp, tif) should preferably have a true* image resolution of912 ppi minimum at 1/12th their full scaled size (the more detailed the raster image, the higher the ppl preferred).
*Avoid re-rasterizing low resolution images to achieve a higher resolution, as this does not improve image quality.
PMS colors are not available for this style of mat.
Easy to clean - hose off or sweep as needed.